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发表时间: 2020-01-31 来源:

Ningxia NCP Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters

Announcement No. 3



To reinforce the NCP prevention and control efforts and effectively protect the health of the people, it is hereby announced as follows:


I. All those who arrived in Ningxia after January 15, including natives of Ningxia and residents from other provinces, are required to register at relevant authorities of the towns (sub-districts) or villages (residential communities) where they currently live and accept health check.


II. All those who arrived in Ningxia from other provinces and Ningxia residents should observe the epidemic control and prevention requirements. Those who came to Ningxia from Hubei or other affected areas will be put under isolated medical observation. Those who came to Ningxia from provinces other than Hubei are required to conduct self-quarantine at home, avoiding contact with other people and update the designated staff on their latest condition. The quarantine will be lifted after 14 days if no symptoms occur.


III. Ventilation in public areas such as large shopping malls and workplaces shall be improved and the buildings shall be sterilized on a daily base. Public facilities in a building such as washrooms, elevators and staircases shall be cleaned and disinfected regularly.         


IV. The management of residential communities and villages shall be strengthened and measures such as real-name registration and body temperature measuring shall be adopted.


V. The epidemic prevention and control information shall be updated promptly and shared between all the cities, counties and districts, especially the information of the close contacts of confirmed cases and people coming to Ningxia from other provinces. 


VI. Knowledge on epidemic control and prevention shall be made available through various ways, so that the self-protection awareness and capability of the public will be raised, including washing hands frequently, taking disinfection measures often, improving ventilation, wearing face masks when going outside, not spitting on the ground, etc.


VII. The public are advised to avoid unnecessary trips and gatherings, not to believe in, fabricate or spread rumors and to remain emotionally stable.


It is hereby announced.




                               Ningxia NCP Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters

                                                                         January 31, 2020