Ningxia COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters (Announcement No. 10) 为进一步落实分区分级精准防控策略,统一推广使用宁夏防疫健康信息码和宁夏健康通行卡,确保在全区范围内共享共认,保障人民群众安全便利出行,现就有关事项公告如下: To further implement the region-specific, multilevel targeted approach in COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control, health QR code and health pass will be adopted in Ningxia to ensure safe and convenient travel of the people. It is hereby announced as follows: 一、区内居民和来宁返宁人员(含境外人员)应主动申领防疫健康信息码,防疫健康信息码实行动态管理。申领人员不得以虚假信息套取“绿码”。 I. Residents in Ningxia and individuals traveling to Ningxia (including people from abroad) are required to apply for the health QR code which will be updated dynamically. Applicants are prohibited from submitting false information to obtain the green health QR codes. 二、对审核符合办理健康通行卡条件的,村(居)委会应当即时办理。任何单位或个人不得另设门槛、自定标准。 II. Village (neighborhood) committees should issue health passes to eligible applicants in a timely manner. Organizations or individuals are prohibited from placing extra restrictions or different standards. 三、对持有防疫健康信息码相应等级信息的人员,要严格按照红、黄、灰、绿分等级进行管控。各地各部门不得随意提高管控标准、限制通行。 III. Holders of health QR codes will be managed strictly in accordance with the levels of their codes which vary in colors including red, yellow, gray and green. Sub-provincial governments and departments are prohibited from restricting passage by raising standards. 四、防疫健康信息码和健康通行卡具有同等效力,持有“绿码”或有效期内健康通行卡人员,经体温检测正常后可在全区通行。任何单位或个人不得拒绝持有“绿码”或有效期内健康通行卡人员通行和复工。 IV. Health QR code and health pass are of the same effect. Holders of green health QR code or valid health pass are allowed to travel in Ningxia provided that their body temperature is normal. Organizations or individuals are prohibited from rejecting these holders when they travel or resume work. 五、各地坚持全区“一盘棋”,切实加强防疫健康信息码和健康通行卡的推广使用,对无故推托、拒绝办理、不予认可、推行不力的,要立即纠正,确保政令畅通。各地不得各行其是、听之任之。 V. All sub-provincial governments should promote the health QR code and health pass. Untimely and poor implementation should be rectified immediately. Sub-provincial governments are prohibited from placing their own restrictions or slacken their efforts in implementation. 六、本公告发布后,各地要第一时间公开防疫健康信息码和健康通行卡使用管理工作电话,主动接受群众咨询和社会监督。咨询热线:12320,技术服务:0951—5112345,监督电话:0951—6363503。 VI. Sub-provincial governments should announce their telephone numbers for applying health QR code and health pass immediately after the issuance of the Announcement to answer the applicants’ questions and place themselves under the supervision of the society.Inquiry Hotline: 12320Technical Service: 0951-5112345Complaint Hotline: 0951-6363503 特此公告It is hereby announced. 宁夏回族自治区应对新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情工作指挥部 Ningxia COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters 2020年3月9日 March 9, 2020